ALICE returns to UNDERLAND to save the MAD HATTER!
We’ve been waiting for this movie since 2010 when we first saw Tim Burton‘s ‘Alice in Wonderland‘. Six years later, James Bobin has satisfied our thirst for the sequel to Alice‘s adventures with this vibrant film.
‘Alice Through the Looking Glass‘, like ‘Alice in Wonderland‘ is based on the Lewis Carroll novels.
Mia Wasikowska returns as Alice. However, instead of the rabbit hole, Alice goes through a magical mirror which causes her to fall from the sky and into Underland.
Once there she learns that the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) is depressed over the death of his family.
Here hails the start of a new adventure, where Alice tries to convince Time (a powerful godlike creature, who rules over the time in the Underland) played by Sacha Baron Cohen, to let her go back in time in an effort to save the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) from dying.
The action really begins when Alice steals a time-travelling ship, and Time pursues her.
Apart from Wasikowska, Depp, and Baron Cohen there are is a great cast which includes: Helena Bonham Carter (the Red Queen), Anne Hathaway (the White Queen), Rhys Ifans (Zanik Hightopp, the Mad Hatter‘s father ), and Matt Lucas as (Tweedledum and Tweedledee).
We even get a great cameo from the late, amazing, Alan Rickman who does the voice for Absolem the caterpillar who is now a butterfly.
‘Alice Through The Looking Glass‘ deserves praise for looking absolutely magnificent. The scenic landscape with scenes that will dazzle you, the eye-catching costumes, and the quirky characters blend in to make this film creatively tremendous and enjoyable to watch.
This film is well worth watching and there’s plenty to enjoy here. Think action, enchanted fairytale like adventure where all sorts of weird, wonderful and bizarre things happen and amaze you for days.